‘a Cornish Wildlife Alphabet’
Original hand printed lino cut print in black on white paper. Dimensions are 843mm x 595mm (A1). First edition.
This hand carved lino cut depicts at least one plant, animal or fungus that can be found in Cornwall for each letter of the alphabet. Weaving from the hedgerows, to the shoreline and the deep sea, back to the meadows, this print encompasses a wide range of the habitats and creatures that can be found in this beautiful county. This piece aims to provide a fun and novel way to educate people on the variety of wildlife we have here in the UK, and spark a renewed interest and excitement about getting outside and seeing what you can find.
Try and guess them all, or look at the answers below:Adder, Blackbird, Bumblebee, Chamomile, Dog rose, Elephant hawk moth, Fox, Foxglove, Gannet, Hedgehog, Ivy, Jellyfish, Kelp, Limpets, Ladybird, Mackerel, Mermaid’s purse, Nursehound, Otter, Poppy, Peacock butterfly, Quaking grass, Rabbit, Starfish, Snakelock anemone, Thrift, Undulated ray, Velvet shank mushroom, Violet ground beetle, Wild garlic, Xeme’s gull (bit of a cheat; they only migrate here occasionally, but there’s not a lot of x’s!), Yarrow, Zebra spider.