2025 Moon calendar
Riso Print
Lunar calendar for 2025.
Swimming under the light of the moon, diving between moon jelly fish and amongst various seaweeds and fish, exploring an underwater world. The stars signify the new and full moons.
Taken from an original lino cut, this year I decided to riso print these, to keep costs lower and more accessible. Riso printing is the earliest form of digital printing, and lends a beautiful, textured quality to the print, and a lovely matte finish. It is also one of the most sustainable methods of printing, with low energy usage, and uses soy based inks. As the prints are made using a one off stencil, and each has its own beautiful imperfections, each one forms part of a limited edition, similar to lino printing. It’s also wonderful to be able to support our riso printers! Printed by Risotto Studio.